- Free web templates
Not only HTML page templates (over 60), you can find banner and button templates and free graphics.
- Free CSS web page templates
Near 500 tableless free CSS web page templates for download. Many of them are converted to WordPress themes too. Free for personal or commercial use. Worth to visit. (International)
- Free Web site templates
Database-driven, many free templates for every taste, presented with details. You can upload free template (good for promotion!). From simple pages with tables to the professional work. Linkware.
- Elated.com - web page kits
More than 40 website templates (website kits with PSD files), buttons, gifs, textures, PhotoShop action kits, tutorials...
- OSWD free web page templates
Open Source Web Design - 1600+ free page templates for personal and business web sites. Link back is not required. Recommended site.
- Responsive web design tutorials
List of 30 responsive web design tutorials. Starting point for beginners in HTML5 and CSS3. Learn how to create responsive web templates that works both on the desktop as well as on the iPhone.
- Templates from Plexus design
12+ premade web page templates for download
- Webdiner templates
A few categories of templates, including web page templates for kids, "arts and crafts" style and even guest book templates
- Website templates kits
Nice templates for download from desktop publishing. Suitable for personal home pages or for small business site. Prepackaged website templates archived into one compressed file.
Low price, customizable templates :
- Web templates mega packs - Mega graphics packs for internet marketers, web designers and businesses! Professional graphics and web pages template packs, minisites, wordpress themes...
- HTML web templates for web starters - Web page templates for starters and static websites! HTML and CSS customizable templates pack with instructions included.