Collected information
Visitors are tracked through this site, not more, not less than on any other web site.
For security and statistical reasons, visitor's IP address, time of visit, referring site,
and browser type are recorded in server log.
Link redirection scripts are used to count clicks on links only (statistics).
E-mail privacy
There is contact form on this site (link is on bottom of every page) where visitor
can post suggestions or some comment. Valid e-mail address is required, in case when question
needs to be answered. That e-mail address is used only for reply, it is not recorded and it is not used for
any other purpose.
At this moment, this site doesn't set any cookies. However, it is possible that cookie is set from
third party (other site), and from this site, from some old web pages where online spyware scanner was
installed to block particular spyware activity from your computer. None of those cookies is "dangerous"
Spyware warning
Almost all links are opened in new browser window, so you can visit sites without
using back button in browser to come back. New browser window is opened only after clicking
on link. In case that any new window is opened without any action from your side (click on link),
scan your computer for spyware (use some free anti-spyware software).
Every site (item) listed on pages consist of link to that site and site description. There is no underlined
words (links) in descriptions. Any links inside descriptions of listed sites are probably generated
from adware/spyware residing on your computer.
Web robots / spiders / crawlers owners
Every Web robot, requesting documents what are disallowed in robots.txt, will be permanently banned.
Every Web robot without clear identification in User Agent field (robot name, link to page for webmasters), access will be restricted.
At least 2 seconds pause is recommended when your Web robot is requesting documents.
This privacy policy applies on this site ( only, not on any other websites listed
or partnered with this site. For suggestions, comments, complaints, please use mail form on this page.